Sunday, January 2, 2011

What are your goals for 2011?

Well, it's here....2011 is upon us. Gone is 2010 and the holiday it's time to get to work. I don't think I ever stop thinking about the Cannon's and how we can get better...both on and off the field. However, now it's time to step it up as training camp will be here before you know it. The same goes for you, your season whether it be youth, junior high, high school, college or club will be here before you know it. What are your goals for 2011?

I believe everyone of us starts by thinking the same thing....this is the year we become champions. Very easily stated but the real question is ..."how do we get there?" That's where you set goals to give you and your team the road map to get there. We all know it's not easy, it takes commitment...100%. You have to be committed to do the work, to make the effort and the sacrifices day in and day out. I know I'm committed and I'm setting my goals as we speak because this is the year to get it excuses.

What are your goals?

You want to get schooled online or on the field? Your
